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woman giving a speech

CAP Sunday

Inspire your church with God’s heart for those experiencing poverty and a vision
to reach your community!

How it works

One of our trained, passionate speaker team will deliver a message sharing Scripture about God’s

heart for those experiencing poverty, as well as how each of us can bring hope and freedom to

people living in poverty in Canada.

Each message features a video testimony, stories from the frontline, and scripture-based

messaging, so you can be confident your church will be blessed, encouraged and stirred to action. 


Virtual Preaching

We are grateful that technology allows us to speak to your congregation any Sunday,

no matter where you are! All you have to do is download our 15 minute video which contains an explanation of our ministry, a message, scripture, encouragement and time of reflection and play it

during your Sunday. We can have someone from our ministry attend if you are currently meeting

over an interactive video call to answer any questions or join in the discussion.


If you want to view this video please email

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